Tailored In-House Construction Plant Training

Tailored In-House Construction Plant Training

Over the past 12 months BAM Construction Training have seen an increase in demand for tailored in-house training. We’ve delivered training to builders merchants, warehouses, recycling centres, farms, estates, docks, landscapers, breweries and more. Tailored in-house training is a great way to educate your workforce with relevant skills required to carry out their duties in the workplace. It is also one of the most cost effective solutions when you compare it to certifications such as CPCS training or NPORS training.

Established in 1998, the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulation (PUWER) and Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulation (LOLER) were introduced by the government, among other policies, to ensure that all people who use, supervise or manage the use of work equipment have received adequate training. In many recent cases, such as the death of a Howden’s delivery driver and the injury of a scaffolder, companies have been heavily fined for neglecting health and safety in the workplace. Now is the time for you to act..

How does it work?

In-house training involves BAM Construction Training setting up a tailored training course for your employees that is relevant to the work they do on-site. It starts with a consultation which helps us understand the type of work your employees do on-site. This enables us to come up with a training plan based on your requirements – such as the number of employees that require training, how many days training you would like, types of plant machines used, etc. We then arrange a day for your tailored in-house training to take place.

Where does it take place?

BAM Construction Training always recommend that in-house training is carried out on your premises. Why?… because it ensures that your employees are trained in conditions that best replicate their real-life working environment, with plant machinery that they will be operating in your workplace. We understand that this is not always possible which is why we are also able to replicate your working environment as closely as possible at one of our training centres.

How much does it cost?

A tailored in-house training course is priced at £595+vat per day (plus mileage). This covers training for up to 4 employees, but you can add additional employees to the course for £99+vat each. For a 1-day training session we advise against having more than 6 delegates, so that every employee receives sufficient practical training.

What do you receive?

A tailored training session for the duration of your choice
Training which is relevant to the work your employees do on-site
An assessment of your working environment and recommendations on improvements to health and safety
An experienced construction plant trainer
A BAM Construction Training In-House Certification outlining elements covered during the training and the names of your employees who participated
An educated workforce.

If you would like to learn more about in-house training, or to book a tailored in-house training session for your employees, please call us on 01189 790 030 or email  info@bamconstructiontraining.co.uk You can also submit an enquiry directly on our website by clicking here. We aim to respond to all enquiries within 24 hours.


Enquire using the form below. Please keep in mind that the more available dates you provide us with, the more likely we are able to fit you onto a course. We do not run courses on Sunday.

Enquire Now